Post-Scarcity Economy

Foresight Dictionary Post-Scarcity Economy

Definition A post-scarcity economy is an imagined future where we can make almost everything in huge amounts with hardly any human work needed. In this kind of economy, stuff would be really cheap or even free for everyone. Things like advanced automation, renewable energy, and high-tech recycling are usually seen as the big factors that … Read more


Foresight Dictionary Sensemaking

Definition Sensemaking is the process through which people interpret and give meaning to complex, ambiguous, or uncertain situations. It involves gathering information, identifying patterns, and constructing a coherent understanding of events to guide decision-making. In futures thinking, sensemaking helps individuals and organizations navigate uncertainty by creating a shared understanding of possible futures and the factors … Read more

Horizon Scanning

Foresight Dictionary horizon scanning

Definition Horizon scanning is a systematic process used to identify emerging trends, risks, opportunities, and potential disruptions that could impact an organisation, sector, or society in the future. This involves collecting and analysing data from various sources to anticipate changes and prepare for possible futures. It is a key component in strategic foresight, helping decision-makers … Read more

Wild Cards

Definition Wild cards are low-probability, high-impact events that can significantly disrupt expected future scenarios. These unexpected occurrences have the potential to dramatically alter the course of events, often in ways that are difficult to predict or prepare for. Example The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster (2011): While earthquakes and tsunamis were known risks in Japan, the … Read more


Foresight Dictionary VUCA

Definition VUCA is an acronym that stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. It describes the characteristics of a situation or environment that make it difficult to understand and predict. VUCA highlights the need for agility, adaptability and resilience in the face of rapid change and uncertainty. It was coined 1987 by the USA Army … Read more

Sustainable Development

Foresight Dictionary Sustainable Development

Definition Sustainable development is an approach to growth and progress that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It balances economic advancement, social equity, and environmental protection. Example Curitiba in Brazil The city of Curitiba, Brazil, has been recognized for its sustainable urban planning … Read more

Wearable Technology

Foresight Dictionary Wearable Technology

Definition Wearable technology refers to electronic devices or gadgets that can be worn on the body, either as accessories, clothing, or implants. These devices typically have smart capabilities, such as connectivity to the internet or other devices, sensors to monitor user activities, or the ability to perform specific tasks like tracking health metrics. Example The … Read more


Foresight Dictionary quantum

Definition In futures thinking, ‘quantum’ refers to the application of quantum physics concepts to understand and predict complex, interconnected systems and potential futures. It emphasises non-linear thinking, probability, and the idea that observing a system can change its outcome. Example Computing The development of quantum computing and its potential to revolutionize fields like cryptography, drug … Read more


Foresight Dictionary visioning

Definition Visioning is the process of imagining and articulating a desired future state. It involves creative and strategic thinking to define long-term goals, aspirations, and outcomes for individuals, organisations, or societies. This process often informs planning and decision-making by providing a clear vision to guide future actions. Example In the 1960s, the NASA moon landing … Read more


Foresight Dictionary Foresight

Definition Foresight is the ability to anticipate and envision possible future developments and trends. It involves identifying potential risks and opportunities to guide strategic planning and decision-making. Actually, more than just strategic planning, futures thinking is often called ‘strategic foresight’ – being more strategic than just considering the future and using foresight as embracing more … Read more