Narrative Futures

Foresight Dictionary Narrative Futures

Definition Narrative futures is an approach in futures studies and foresight that uses storytelling and narrative techniques to explore, describe, and communicate possible future scenarios. This method leverages the power of stories to make complex future possibilities more accessible, engaging, and relatable to audiences. It combines elements of scenario planning, creative writing, and strategic foresight … Read more

The AI Advantage

In our household it is odd that the futurist (myself) is a late adopter and that my husband (who is a good deal older than I am) is the one completely up-to-date with new tech and specifically developments in AI. He takes me aside on occasion to let me know what I need to know … Read more

Moonshot Thinking

Foresight Dictionary Moonshot Thinking

Definition Moonshot thinking is an approach to innovation and problem-solving that aims for radical, transformative solutions rather than incremental improvements. It involves setting extremely ambitious goals that may seem impossible at first glance, and then working to achieve them through breakthrough technologies or novel approaches. Example Google’s Project Loon A real-world example of moonshot thinking … Read more