Foresight Dictionary quantum
Foresight Dictionary quantum


In futures thinking, ‘quantum’ refers to the application of quantum physics concepts to understand and predict complex, interconnected systems and potential futures. It emphasises non-linear thinking, probability, and the idea that observing a system can change its outcome.



The development of quantum computing and its potential to revolutionize fields like cryptography, drug discovery, and financial modeling is a real-world example of quantum concepts impacting future scenarios.

Ask yourself

  • How might quantum technologies reshape our understanding of causality and prediction?
  • In what ways could quantum thinking help us prepare for highly uncertain futures?
  • How can we apply quantum concepts to improve our decision-making in complex situations?
  • How does the concept of quantum in a metaphorical sense apply to innovation and change in my context?


  • Quantum Computing Models: Tools like IBM Qiskit or Google’s Cirq for developing and simulating quantum algorithms.
  • Scenario Planning: To explore potential futures involving significant technological advancements or disruptions.
  • Systems Thinking: To understand how quantum changes (both literal and metaphorical) can affect interconnected systems.

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