Is your Board Future Ready?

Lets gather some data

In an era of constant change and unpredictability, the boards that thrive are the ones prepared to embrace the future. From evolving technology to shifting social and environmental landscapes, the ability to anticipate and adapt to what's coming is more important than ever. But how ready is your board to navigate what lies ahead?

Future-Preparedness Survey

That’s where our Future-Preparedness Survey comes in. This isn’t about checking boxes or ticking off trends—it’s about gathering meaningful insights into your board’s strengths, blind spots, and readiness for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

Why Take the Survey?

Every board wants to stay relevant, but many don’t know where they truly stand in terms of future-readiness. By participating in this survey, you’ll gain a clear understanding of how well your board is positioned to face emerging trends and disruptions. The results will offer valuable insights, showing where you’re excelling and where you might need to pivot.

How the Survey Helps Your Board:

  • Clarity on where you stand: Discover whether your board’s current practices are setting you up for success or leaving you vulnerable to future shifts.
  • Identify opportunities for growth: Spot areas where you can strengthen your approach to strategy, governance, and decision-making in light of future challenges.
  • Build a forward-thinking mindset: The survey encourages reflection on what’s next, helping you move from reactive to proactive, so your board is always a step ahead.

Informed decisions, confident leadership: With the insights from the survey, you’ll be able to lead with confidence, knowing that your board is ready to take on whatever the future brings.

Is the future on the agenda?

Strategic Foresight is significantly more helpful in preparing for a constantly changing future, than simple Strategic Planning.  But before we can make comments about how prepared an organisation is, to survive and thrive in the future, we need to know what the Board and leadership of the organisation are thinking in terms of the future.


The survey has 26 questions that cover 5 areas of responsibility of a Board’s members. Gathering responses to those questions will hep us to determine how well we are doing

All respondents receive ...

A survey data report will be shared with all respondents. All specific data is of course confidential.

A copy of ‘Chief Futures Thinking Officer’ will also be sent to each respondent.

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