Foresight Dictionary exponential
Foresight Dictionary exponential


In futures thinking, ‘exponential’ refers to a pattern of growth or change where a quantity increases by a constant factor over equal time intervals. This results in a curve that starts slowly but then rises dramatically, often leading to rapid, transformative changes in technology, society, or other domains.


Moore’s Law:

Moore’s Law is a classic example of exponential growth in technology. In 1965, Gordon Moore observed that the number of transistors on a microchip doubled about every two years while the cost halved. This exponential growth in computing power has led to dramatic advances in technology over the past few decades.

Ask yourself

  • What areas in my field or industry might be experiencing exponential growth?
  • How might exponential changes in technology affect my business or personal life in the next 5-10 years?
  • Am I prepared for the potential disruptions that exponential growth might bring?
  • How do I need to change my thinking style to cope with exponential changes?

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