The Futures Alchemy Collaborative on Patreon

Accessible Futures Thinking learning

The Futures Alchemy Collaborative on Pateron allows you to learn Futures Thinking skills at your own pace and budget.

Why Patreon?

Futures Thinking should be accessible to anyone to learn and develop their professional skills.

By providing content on Patreon, members can access an ongoing and increasing library of content, books, videos, articles and more, to add to their own learning

Members have a choice  to join for free or to pay for one of the 2 relatively inexpensive options to access additional content.

What about the books and workshops?

All books, online courses and workshops created by Futures Alchemist or Charlotte Kemp, will still be available. Books are typically on Amazon. Online courses are on Podia and Workshops can usually be booked on Quicket or directly via email.

Paid Patreon members will receive a discount on these publicly available materials.



Futurist Explorer

Begin your expedition
$ 0 Monthly
  • Articles
  • Webinars
  • Videos
  • WhatsApp Group
  • Infographics

Futurist Builder

Further your journey
$ 2
  • Articles
  • Webinars
  • Videos
  • WhatsApp Group
  • Infographics
  • Templates & DIY
  • 30% discount on Courses
  • 30% discount on Courses
  • 30% discount on Workshops
  • Monthly Mastermind Meeting

Futurist Visionary

Deepen your skills
$ 7
  • Articles
  • Webinars
  • Videos
  • WhatsApp Group
  • Infographics
  • Templates & DIY
  • 30% discount on Courses
  • 30% discount on Courses
  • 30% discount on Workshops
  • Monthly Mastermind Meeting
  • Quarterly ebook
  • Introductory 1-1 Meeting

Testimonials from Clients


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Live or online events, new courses and workshops and other resources

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