Foresight Dictionary Drivers of Change
Foresight Dictionary drivers of change


Drivers of change are forces, trends, or factors that have the potential to significantly shape the future. These can be social, technological, economic, environmental, political, or values-based influences that act as catalysts for transformation in society, industries, or organisations.


Digital Transformation

A real-world example of a driver of change is the ongoing digital transformation. This driver has reshaped numerous industries, from retail (e.g., the rise of e-commerce) to entertainment (e.g., streaming services), and continues to impact areas like education (e.g., online learning) and healthcare (e.g., telemedicine).

Ask yourself

  • What are the most significant trends influencing my industry or field?  
  • How might these drivers interact with each other to create new scenarios?  
  • Which drivers are likely to have the most impact in the short, medium, and long term?  
  • Are there any weak signals that could become major drivers in the future?  
  • How can we better monitor and anticipate emerging drivers of change?


  • PESTLE Analysis: Examines Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legislative, and Environmental, factors
  • Trend Mapping: Visualises how different trends might evolve and intersect over time
  • Horizon Scanning: Systematic process for detecting early signs of potentially important developments
  • Cross-Impact Analysis: Assesses how different drivers might influence each other
  • Causal Layered Analysis: Explores deeper, systemic causes of change

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